Energy Auditing

An Energy Audit establishes the baseline for any improvements in an organization’s energy use by providing a comprehensive and systematic method for targeting cost effective efficiency gains.

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What do we do?

We provide Energy Auditing servicing, or Review, which is an investigation of all facets of an organization’s historical and current energy use with the objective of identifying and quantifying areas of energy wastage within the organization's activities.

There are many proved examples where our clients have been able to make savings without requiring any significant capital investment.

Phases of Energy-Auditing

Review of Energy Use

In this phase, the data of past energy consumption, that is, the electricity bills, is reviewed by the auditor. The auditor then gives the report on how much potential is required for the system or building for improving the efficiency of power consumption.

Site Assessment

During this phase of the site assessment, the system components mentioned are examined and their performance data is collected.

Data Analysis

This is the most important and complex part of energy auditing, and it involves two types of analysis. One is technical analysis and the other is cost analysis. Technical analysis involves a spreadsheet or software packages that determine the input and output parameters. The same methods apply for the cost analysis, where current energy costs, costs for implementation of energy efficiency measures as well as potential savings over time are considered. The results of both analyses induce significant changes in both financial and technical aspects. Other aspects to be considered are operation and maintenance of planned implementation, reliability and their ease of installation.

Audit Report

The last phase of the auditing process is generating a comprehensive report, including all recommended energy efficiency measures and how different combinations lead to cost and energy savings.

Energy Audit steps

How energy auditing benefits you?

Energy Audit benefits